Stewart Mc Pherson allowed me to post the following pictures of N. deaniana. I also join some quotes of the text Stew wrote for the CPUK forum.
"Alastair Robinson, Volker Heinrich and I are very pleased to report that we refound the type form of N. deaniana which Macfarlane discovered nearly one century ago. It seems that the ‘real’ N. deaniana is completely different from the plants in cultivation in the respect that it produces large, robust "obconic" pitchers reminiscent of the N. rajah / N. mira group and completely different from the plants grown as ‘N. deaniana’ at this time.
The N. deaniana in cultivation appear to actually be N. philippinensis or possibly N. alata.
Best regards to you all
Stewart McPherson
Last Edit: Jul 8, 2008 15:14:27 GMT -10 by sockhom
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